Contact Us

If you have any questions, requests, or consultation for KOWA, please feel free to contact us by entering the required items in the following form. A representative will contact you by email or telephone.

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    Enter information

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    Confirm the entered contents

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    Complete inquiry

Please enter information into the following inquiry form and click the "Confirm" button.
Please be sure to enter the required items.

RequiredCompany name


RequiredDepartment name

RequiredName of person in charge

RequiredEmail address [half-width alphanumeric characters]

RequiredTelephone number [half-width numbers]

OptionalFAX [half-width numbers]

OptionalPostal code


RequiredContents of inquiry

For details on handling of personal information, please read “Privacy Policy.
Please insert a check in the box “I agree to the Personal Information Protection Policy.” and then click the “Confirm Entry” button.

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